My Husband’s Secret Drawer: What I Found Inside Chilled Me to the Bone!


What I Discovered Inside My Husband’s Hidden Drawer Shook My Bones!



The day I opened my husband’s drawer after moving in with him, my blood froze.

Freya moved into her husband George’s family mansion after getting married because she was excited to begin her life together. However, their vows were quickly broken when Freya learned about George’s covert life via Valerie, the maid.

When I moved into my husband’s family’s home, I had just come down from the high of my wedding. The location had the appearance of something from a fairy tale. This edifice was filled with flowers, arches, fountains, and high ceilings.


George had said he wanted me to settle in and make a name for myself before we left on our honeymoon in the South of France.

Still, things weren’t always what they seemed to be. The maid, Valerie, shot me a look that said, “You don’t belong here.” When she first saw me, she acted as follows. I could not get out of here, no matter how hard I tried. It was something Valerie would have to contend with.

After a few days of getting settled in, I decided to make breakfast for my new family. I made sure to prepare for a big party because of the size of the house and the fact that George’s younger brother and sister were still residing there.


Valerie was standing in the kitchen with me, observing everything I did while she was cleaning the countertops. I felt uneasy after she departed. I leaned across the table to hunt for my phone so I could check up different ways to prepare eggs, but it was nowhere to be found.

Do you know where my phone is? I asked Valerie, certain that it had been sitting on the table in front of her.

Valerie shook her head, looked at me nonchalantly, and turned away.


She said, “If I were you, I would hurry up with the breakfast,” in a cold tone. Before they go downstairs, the family expects it to be on the table.

I took Valerie’s advice and finished the breakfast she had started as she was leaving the kitchen.

I eventually found the phone that I had left on the seat that Valerie had just exited. However, it was the message that flashed on the screen that turned my entire life upside down:

Check the drawer your husband uses. More specifically, the upper left one. You ought to then RUN!


My pulse was pounding as I made my way to our bedroom, the warning echoing in my mind the entire way. While I was away taking care of everything else the night before, Valerie had made the bed and folded the clothes that we had thrown on the floor.

I was so overcome with a sense of impending doom that I hesitated to pull out the drawer. I had no idea what was going to happen in that instant when I opened it. I was curious to find out what secrets George was holding from me because I had no idea what they were.

I opened it and saw a bunch of letters bound together with an old key and a frayed ribbon. My husband’s letters were addressed to a woman by the name of Elena.


I looked through and read every letter while I sat on our bed. In every letter, George promised someone else a future filled with love.

With every word spoken, my heart broke a little bit more. The last letter was a farewell, dated three days prior to George’s proposal, which suggests it was sent right before the proposal.

What’s the secret, then?

“Are you aware of the purpose of this key?” I asked Ivy, George’s younger sister, if it matched anything in our room in case I found out otherwise.

As she examined the key, she remarked, “Oh, I think it’s for the attic.” “That is definitely the case, as that was George’s favorite room. I don’t know why, but the mood has always seemed so gloomy to me. Years have passed since I was last seen there.


I found the attic, and it was just as dark and drafty as Ivy had told me it would be before I arrived.

But my blood started freezing the soon I turned on the light.

The room looked like it was covered in pictures of my husband and this other woman, who I assumed to be Elena. Every picture captured their affection as if it were jumping off the paper.

It ridiculed me. This was a mockery of our union. It made fun of all the feelings I had for George.

I took a seat in the room’s lone armchair and enjoyed the sights and sounds of the surroundings until my knees gave out. Something on the wall beneath a picture of George and Elena dancing in a courtyard at that same time caught my attention: an ultrasound.



George and Elena intended to have a child and create a family. They certainly were, of course.

It was beyond my comprehension how he could have kept it from me for so long.

I knew the truth about Elena, but it was quite another thing entirely to keep a baby hidden from me. There was no way to explain that.

As I watched each photo, I kept asking myself how George could have let Elena go while she was carrying his child. How on earth could he have done that, I wondered?

The soft voice called out, “Freya?” from the doorway.

I said, “Valerie,” instantly realizing that I wasn’t supposed to be at this place.


She said, “You weren’t supposed to find out this way,” with a hint of sympathy in her voice since she was pitying you.

“You were aware of this?” I asked, not sure how to go about approaching her.

Eventually, she nodded.

Elena is a member of my family. You have to be aware of the facts, was her opinion. She sent me the letters, which I put in George’s drawer this morning while doing some housekeeping.

“And the infant?” My voice was trembling as I asked.

Valerie told me about Elena when she was leaning against the wall. Valerie requested Elena to help with the housekeeping arrangements a few years ago as the family was getting ready for their yearly Christmas celebration.

They got along well from the start. They fell in love at that point. Upon discovering the child’s ailment, Elena was informed by George that he desired no more communication with her.

Valerie claims that although George was prepared to wed Elena out of love, he changed his mind about the union after learning that the child had Down syndrome. George saw the condition as a challenge.



Elena had given his word that he would support her and show his family that she was more than simply a cleaner. But then things start to change.

George was not in the living room where the rest of the family was gathered. Together, we entered and made our way to the living room. I was the one who told his parents about the photos and letters that were piled high in the attic.

Valerie informed them of the development regarding Elena and her child.

George came into the living room after we were done, and it was clear from his expression that he had been there and heard the conversation.

His father, who was staring at my spouse, asked the inquiry. “Is this accurate?”

George was stunned, but his silence was an incriminating acknowledgement.

The family’s backlash was immediate. George was consequently cut off, and his inheritance was now being utilized to support Elena and the unborn child she is carrying.

What about me?


George didn’t even try to fight for my divorce; he was so distraught over losing his money that he couldn’t even stand it. My in-laws gave me assets that were intended for George, giving me a fresh start.

To be sure that the foundation I laid for Elena’s child was the real test of success, I made the decision to sell off some of them. one that helps children with impairments. Valerie is now in care of it, with my help as well as George’s mother’s, who turned away her son as soon as she found out about the baby.


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