10 Symptoms You Could Be Overlooking: Clogged Arteries

When arteries become clogged, it can be a very dangerous situation. These substances have the potential to bring about a variety of health problems, the most hazardous of which are hypertension and heart attacks. But what are the ways in which you can determine whether or not your arteries are clogged before the situation becomes significantly worse or before you require medical attention? Pay close attention to your physical self: It is possible that you are not noticing these signs of clogged arteries, but they are there nonetheless.

A List of Ten Warning Signs That Arteries Are Clogged


A person’s arteries are the blood vessels that are responsible for transporting oxygenated blood throughout the body. In addition to transporting this blood to your muscles, they also transport it to your brain, as well as to all of the major and minor organs in your body, and even to the very tips of your fingers and toes. As a result of having smooth walls and being devoid of any obstructions, healthy arteries allow blood to flow through them without interference. On the other hand, plaques that have accumulated on the walls of clogged arteries, respectively. Plaques like these slow down blood flow and can even completely obstruct it, which can result in a heart attack because of their presence.


The Awareness of the Signs



To be able to solve the issue before it poses such a significant risk to your health, it is essential to be aware of the early warning signs of clogged arteries. The good news is that coronary artery disease can be improved with some straightforward dietary and physical activity changes. If they are quite heavily clogged or if you have a family history of heart problems, your physician may also prescribe you some medications to help keep your arteries in check. These medications are intended to help keep your arteries from becoming damaged. If you experience any of these ten warning signs of clogged arteries, you should make an appointment with your physician as soon as possible so that a strategy can be developed to improve your condition.




For all intents and purposes, what condition does not include nausea as a symptom? A feeling of sickness is one of the most perceptive signals that our body sends to us when it detects that something is wrong. There is no guarantee that you have clogged arteries simply because you are experiencing nausea. You should still go talk to your doctor about it if it is something that continues to bother you.


Worry in the chest



A condition that is also known as angina is chest pain. It is a consequence of the accumulation of plaque in the arteries that lead to the heart, which causes a reduction in the amount of blood that flows to the heart. The chest, specifically the area around the breast bone, is typically where angina first manifests itself. It may then spread to the left arm or shoulder, the jaw, and the upper back. Take immediate action to consult your physician if you are experiencing persistent chest pain and tightness.


Breathing that is constricted


When you are experiencing shortness of breath, it is possible that this is due to the fact that your pulmonary arteries are saturated with blood. Even though it is not unusual to experience shortness of breath after climbing stairs or engaging in physical activity, you should seek medical attention if the symptoms come on more frequently than usual, if they persist, and especially if they occur when you are sitting for long periods of time.


Feelings of weakness or numbness on one side of your individual body



It is possible that you will feel a lack of strength or numbness on one side of your body if the blood flow in your carotid arteries is restricted or terminated. In addition to being located on either side of the neck, the carotid arteries are the blood vessels that are responsible for transporting blood from the heart to the head. One of them is responsible for transporting blood to the brain and eyes, while the other is responsible for transporting blood to the face, tongue, and other parts of the head that are located outside of the head.

Language that is slurred



This could be a sign of a number of different conditions, including slurred speech. It is possible that your carotid arteries are blocked, which is one of the reasons. This could be the branch that travels to the tongue from the exterior, or it could be the branch that travels to the brain from the internal section.


Vision Impairment


Loss of vision is one of the symptoms that can occur when the outer branch of the carotid artery becomes blocked. This may be in either one of the eyes or both of them. Make an appointment with your primary care physician as soon as possible if you suddenly experience a decline in your ability to see or if your vision is blurry.


Pain in the legs



There are a total of one million and one possible explanations for why you are having discomfort in your legs. It’s possible that one of these explanations is because the peripheral arteries are blocked. Your legs and arms include arteries, which are referred to as arteries. Do you have a clogged artery if you are experiencing pain in one of your legs and there is no other possible cause, such as an injury?


feet that are chilly



Your extremities will become chilly if blood is unable to circulate freely throughout your body. There is a possibility that your legs are preventing blood from reaching your feet adequately, which could be the cause of your cold feet. The presence of this symptom may indicate that a peripheral artery is obstructed.


damage to the feet that take longer to heal than expected



Additionally, this is connected to the unexplained coldness in the feet. Injuries require blood in order to heal. The healing process for these wounds will be sluggish or nonexistent if the blood is not flowing there or if it is not flowing there in sufficient amounts. It is important to consult your physician if you observe that injuries in your lower legs or feet are not healing as they should be.


Repetitive fluttering of the heart



If you are experiencing any changes in your heart rate, you should make an appointment with your physician as soon as possible. Heart palpitations are a symptom that may indicate that your blood is not flowing as it should be. They occur when your heartbeat becomes obvious all of a sudden. When you experience this, it may feel like your heart is hammering, fluttering, or beating erratically. In most cases, it will only extend for a few seconds or minutes at most. You might also experience these sensations in your throat or neck. It is possible that you will relive them.


This is the Bottom Line


You are not going to become a hypochondriac simply because you are aware of the signs of clogged arteries and other health concerns. On the contrary, it is for your protection. It is possible to save your own life or the life of someone you care about by making yourself aware of the signs and symptoms and having the courage to seek medical advice when you observe them. You should take your symptoms carefully and consult a medical professional.


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