I knew this wasn’t going to be a quick trip, and my pulse raced. I discovered my name on an envelope I found at the bottom of the suitcase. There was plenty of cash inside, substantially more than Jane would normally carry. I had the terrifying notion that she might not return. I called her right away, but my calls ended up in voicemail. I left her a message asking her to give me a call back, trying not to freak out. When I still hadn’t heard from her the following morning, I started to worry. I reached out to her former college roommate, acquaintances, and place of employment, but she had not been seen or heard from. She appeared to have disappeared.
Weeks passed, and I found it difficult to maintain Tommy’s normalcy. I was baffled as to why Jane would vanish in this manner, leaving behind just cryptic remarks and that menacing bag. The more I considered it, the more worried I got.At last, my phone started ringing. Jane had made a video call. She seemed worn out and tense on the screen. She told me she was secure but wouldn’t give away where she was going because she was on a covert work assignment. As I persisted in asking for further details, she grew evasive and abruptly ended the call to speak with Tommy. I was left feeling quite uneasy and with even more questions. Unless there was a major issue, Jane’s behavior was incomprehensible.
I was aware of her past secrecy regarding Tommy’s father, and I was now afraid that this horrible episode in her history was connected to her abrupt leaving. I tried my best to keep Tommy from knowing the truth in the weeks that followed, but I never stopped praying for her return. She appeared weary but relieved when she eventually returned. Tommy was ecstatic to see her, and for a split second, everything seemed to be returning to normal. However, I saw that Jane’s experience was far from done as her hands trembled as she took up the suitcase.With tears in her eyes as she thanked me, she was still unable to provide me an explanation for her whereabouts.
She promised to be safe, and I gave her a big embrace, but I was afraid she wouldn’t be able to follow through on that. My heart was full with love, dread, and uncertainty as I watched her drive away. The awareness that the lies she had carried would follow her and cloud Tommy and her future soured the relief of having her back. Knowing there was nothing I could do to prevent whatever was ahead, I prayed in a whisper for their safety.