Jane Fonda Faces “Treason” Charges During News Broadcast…
Actor Jane Fonda visited Asia during the Vietnam War. She received harsh criticism after being seen in pictures with the US enemy. Even though Fonda has subsequently clarified that she did not intend for the old photos to offend, thousands of people interpreted her protesting America’s involvement in the Vietnam War as a betrayal of the country, and it destroyed her reputation.
For her part in the contentious photos, Fonda was never officially charged. But lately, in a Fox News program, a former Trump advisor brought up Fonda’s turbulent past and even charged the old actor with “treason” for posing for the 1972 photos.
During a Fox News interview on Wednesday, Stephen Miller, a former top advisor to President Trump, made derogatory remarks about Fonda.
Miller even went so far as to charge the two-time Academy Award winner with high treason during her appearance on the conservative entertainment-news channel, citing her flight to Vietnam in 1972 and her appearance on a Vietnamese radio program criticizing American involvement in the Asian conflict.
Fonda was seen riding an anti-aircraft gun that would have been used to shoot down American pilots and planes that were in the sky over Vietnam in one of the photos from her tour to that country.
Thanks to her involvement in activism, Fonda has just come back into the spotlight. She organized rallies in Washington and was detained at least once during Trump’s one term in office. She now demands that President Joe Biden revoke President Trump’s pipeline plans, which he implemented while in government.
In an effort to counter Fonda and prevent Biden from canceling the Trump pipeline, Miller is now turning to Fox News.
Miller remarked of Fonda, “It’s possible that people have forgotten what she did during the Vietnam War.” She offered her services as a propagandist for the Communist Party of North Vietnam. On their radio station, she presented propaganda pieces for North Vietnam.
She was perched atop their anti-aircraft battery, which is used to shoot down American aircraft and airmen, he continued. By any standards, what she did was treason, and I will use that word. And they hailed her as a hero?
Fonda apologized to American veterans for the “Hanoi Jane” picture a long time ago. She didn’t feel bad about her anti-war activities, though.
In 1988, she said to Barbara Walters, “I’m very sorry that I hurt them. There were times when I was thoughtless and careless about it, but I was trying to help end the killing and the war.”
Fonda recently criticized President Biden for not acting quickly enough to halt the Trump pipeline. She added that Biden hasn’t done “enough” to avert the environmental catastrophe the project will cause.
“We are incredibly appreciative of everything he has been doing. He has accomplished many excellent things. Not enough, though. Not audacious enough. and not quickly enough. Time is of the essence, Fonda stated. We have less than nine years, according to scientists, to cut our emissions in half. Line 3 is moving in the exact opposite direction, and daily news reports indicate that emissions are rising rather than falling.
“Therefore, we must risk everything and exert every effort to persuade our administration to revoke these permits,” she continued.
Do you concur that Fonda is a traitor, as Miller claims?