Do You Recognize This Old-School Communication Tool?




Can You Identify This Antiquated Form of Communication?


The way we communicate has changed significantly as time has gone on. Although we still need to connect with people, the ways we do so have changed to keep up with technology.


Do you recall the days of writing letters that took days to arrive or being connected to a landline phone? Since then, a lot has changed, including the instantaneous and convenient communication provided by text messaging, social media, and video calls.



Nonetheless, some historical innovations—such as the Postal Service’s hegemony in letter and package delivery—have lost some of their significance. Weight was an important factor in mail delivery because it dictated shipping costs. This is where the postal scale enters the picture. Once a necessary invention, it has subsequently evolved into something less intimate and more sophisticated.


Although they may not have been totally accurate, older postal scales with their analog gears and springs had a certain allure and nostalgic value. These antique scales are now sought after by collectors who are prepared to pay a premium.



The next time you see an old postal scale, stop and consider its significance in human connection and its history. Even if we might not use them as frequently as we used to, they are still an interesting part of the growth of communication.

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