I came home from vacation to see my backyard had been completely dug up. Before I saw what was at the bottom, I wanted to call the police.

When I came home early from vacation and noticed a big hole in my property, I was ready to call the police. But the shovel at the bottom made me stop and set off a chain of events that would change the way I saw treasure, friendship, and the important things in life.


We were going to the beach, but Karen had a stomach issue, so we had to cancel. All I wanted to do was curl up on the couch, but I thought maybe I should check out the situation outside first.

At that moment, I saw it. a massive hole in the middle of our lawn.

“What’s this?” As I pushed closer to the edge, I muttered.



In the bottom were a water bottle, a shovel, and a few other insignificant objects. My first thought was to call 911, but then I got a ridiculous idea. What if the digger knew we were supposed to be gone and was making a comeback?

I glanced over to Karen, who looked pale. “Hey, my love? The vehicle need to stay in the garage. Give the impression that we are still there.

She nodded weakly. “Anything you say, Frank. I’m going to bed now.

As night fell, I set up camp by a window and gazed out into the void. Several hours later, just as I was about to give up, I saw a shadow jump our fence.


My pulse raced as the figure fell into the hole and got closer. This was my chance.

I slipped outside with my phone in hand, ready to call the cops. As I approached the pit, I heard moans and the sound of metal hitting the earth.

“Hi!” I screamed and used my phone’s flashlight. “What are you doing, in your opinion?”

The digger looked up, blinking in the light. My jaw dropped wildly. It was George who had sold us this house the previous year.


“Frank?” he asked, appearing as shocked. “Why are you in this place?”

Do you recall that I reside here? Why are you in my yard at midnight?

George’s face became serious. With sheepish grace, he emerged from the hole. “I can elaborate. Just please, don’t contact the police.

I crossed my arms. “Pick up a conversation.”

George released his breath. My grandfather used to own this land. I just realized that he—well, he was hiding something significant here. I figured I could find it while you were away.


“You broke into my yard in order to search for treasure?” Unbelievable things were being told to me.

“I recognize the noise,” George said. Still, it’s true. See, I’ll make you a bargain. If you assist me with my digging, we’ll split whatever we uncover. 50/50.



I should have said no. That’s when I ought to have called the cops. However, I hesitated when I noticed something hopeful or depressing in George’s eyes.

“That’s okay,” I answered. “But whether it’s treasure or not, we fill this in when we’re done.”

George enthusiastically nodded. “Acquire.”


For the following few hours, while we worked, we shared stories with one another in between handfuls of dirt.

“So, precisely what are we searching for?” I asked, wiping sweat off my brow.

George shook his head. “I’m not certain. Could be practically anything, even jewelry or cash. Grandpa was paranoid about banks.

As we dug, I learned more about George. Besides his wife being diagnosed with cancer, he had recently lost his job. He said, “This treasure could change everything for us.”



I nodded, acknowledging the importance of what he had spoken. It’s the peculiar style of living. You’re having problems for a while, then.

“Exactly,” George replied, his optimistic eyes gleaming.

We continued with our work, the cool night air a blessing. Every now and again one of us would hit something really hard, making the other freeze and our hearts race. But always, it was just another rock.


To carry on the conversation, I answered, “So tell me more about your grandfather.” In what way did you think he would be keeping something from you?

George took a deep breath and propped his head on his shovel. “My grandfather was a real character. Never stopped expressing your disbelief in the government and banks. He would enchant us with stories about buried riches and secure havens.

“And you accepted him as true?” I didn’t ask impolitely.


George smiled shyly. Not at first. But later on, I discovered this old notepad of his. It was crammed with all these enigmatic property sketches and notes. On one page, a huge X marked the exact spot where we are currently digging.

I must say, it did appear intriguing. “What do you suppose it might be?”

As much as I could wish for? George remarked, his eyes lighting up, “Rare diamonds or gold coins.” To be completely honest though, I would be happy with anything at this point. To have a few thousand dollars would be really helpful.



I nodded, knowing all too well. Yes, I am aware of it. These days, living is expensive.

As we talked and dug, we fell into a rhythm. George notified me of his sudden termination from the company as a result of a downsizing. I related stories about Karen and me, our past financial difficulties, and our future goals.

As we collaborated, I felt a connection growing. Here we were, two individuals with very different life experiences brought together by the possibility of fortune stashed away in a garden. It was absurd, yes, but it was also quite beautiful.

“You know, this has been, like, kind of fun, even if we don’t find anything.” I said, pausing to stretch my aching back.


George looked surprised, then grinned. It has, indeed, isn’t that correct? Thank you, Frank, for not reporting me to the police.

We both laughed so hard that our laughter echoed through the night.

However, when the sky brightened, that hope vanished. All we found, after excavating nearly all the way to China, were rocks and roots.

George reclined in opposition to the aperture. “I genuinely believed that… I was quite certain.

I felt bad for the man. Well, what say you try it? Come on, I’ll give you a ride home.


After using many shovelfuls of dirt to fill in the hole, we gave up and got into my car. George, it turned out, had taken a taxi to my residence. We were driving when our deep thoughts disturbed the silence.

As soon as we got to George’s house, a woman raced out the front door. This had to be Margaret, I thought.

She cried out, “George!” Have you visited anyplace? I’ve been quite nervous.


George exited the car when he saw a toddler whose hand had become stuck in the cookie jar. “I’m sorry, my love. I was just…

Margaret’s eyes furrowed when she noticed me. “And who is this?”

I took a step forward and extended my hand. “Frank is my name. We purchased your prior home last year.

Her expression flickered from recognition to embarrassment. “Oh no. John, it’s not you.

George shook his head. “I’m sorry, Maggie. Sincerely, I thought about it.



Margaret gave me a look. “I sincerely regret for this. My husband has been… he has this crazy idea of a treasure that is concealed.

“That’s not insane!” George balked. “Grandpa —”

“Your grandfather was a storyteller, dear,” Margaret whispered. “Do you recall the attorney’s remarks regarding his estate?”

George looked defeated. “However, I was extremely certain.”


I felt as though I was invading someone’s private area. See, nothing bad happened. All we have to do is perform a little yard cleanup.

Margaret nodded emphatically. Of course. We’ll pay for everything. I’m sorry again for everything.

“There’s nothing to pay for,” I stated, adding that the training would be beneficial to me. Furthermore, my partner and I had been talking about purchasing a pool; maybe this is the appropriate time.


Margaret laughed at that, and as I turned to leave, George took hold of my arm. “Thank you, Frank. For everything.

I smiled and gave him a shoulder squeeze. “Avoid bringing it up. Hey, feel free to call me whenever you’d like to grab a beer or something else.

George looked surprised, then grateful. Indeed, that would be nice.

Even as I drove home, I had a sense of camaraderie despite my unhappiness. George’s despair had taken off like wildfire.

Upon my return, I found Karen looking better but still confused. Have you visited anyplace? What happened to our backyard, too?



I sat down next to her on the couch and told her everything. By the conclusion, she was shaking her head but still smiling.

“Only you, Frank,” she kissed my cheek in response. “Only you would go treasure hunting with a stranger all night long.”

I laughed. Yes, perhaps I did discover something after all.

Karen raised an eyebrow. “Oh?”


“Neither gold nor diamonds,” I said. However, let me just remind you that sometimes the real diamonds are the relationships we create. The stories we share.

Karen rolled her eyes, but still smiled. “You know that’s corny even for you.”

“Maybe,” I responded. “But it occurred to me—why don’t we have dinner with George and Margaret next week?”

Karen looked surprised, then thoughtful. How much do you know? That sounds really good. But first, you’re going to fix that hole in our yard.

I could groan, but I couldn’t resist it. When I went outside to evaluate the damage in the daylight, I couldn’t help but smile. Even if there may not be hidden treasure around every corner, life still has its share of unexpected adventures.


And sometimes that’s enough treasure.

In the scenario, how would you have handled things?

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