Story of the Day: A lonely elderly woman discovers a stray child in the middle of the night, pleading with her to take him in.

On a cold night, elderly Lili stumbles upon a shivering child named Harry. Desperate and alone, Harry begs Lili for aid, and Lili’s kind heart cannot refuse him. As Harry reveals the horrifying truths of his foster home, Lili takes a brave stand and begins a journey of hope and rescue.



Lili, an old woman with silver hair and kind eyes, walked slowly home late one evening. The cold night air made her shudder, and she drew her coat more over her.

As she turned the corner, she saw a small figure curled up against a lamppost. The child, who appeared to be no older than ten, had unkempt hair and was dressed in a little jacket that provided very little protection from the cold.

The boy trembled in his voice and murmured, “Excuse me, ma’am.” “May I go home with you? I have nowhere else to go, and it’s rather cold here.



Lili pitied him. She could see the despair in his eyes. “Clearly, my darling,” she said. “Let’s get you over this cold together.”

She brought Harry, the boy, to her simple but cozy home. The warmth within stood in stark contrast to the cold night outside.

Lili helped Harry settle on a chair by the fireplace. She hurried around the kitchen, making a hot tea and some biscuits.

“Here you go, sweetheart,” she said, passing him a steaming cup of cocoa and a dish of freshly baked cookies. Harry’s eyes brightened as he took a bite, tasting the warmth and sweetness.



As they sat by the fire, Lili, worried for Harry’s safety, picked up the phone and called the police. While they waited, Harry began to open up.

“I live in a foster home,” he murmured. “Too many of us in such a small space.” His voice was shaking.

Harry told her everything he knew. In order for Lili to help other kids, he even tried to find the house.

“Oh, my dear,” Lili muttered, her heart pounding for him. “That shouldn’t have to happen to a child.”



Harry would not release Lili’s hand as the police approached. With comforting and loving eyes, she lowered herself to his level and met his gaze.

“Harry, you have to go with them now,” she said. But don’t freak out. Tomorrow, I’ll visit you and bring some more of these exact cookies. Everything will be well in the end.

Reluctantly, Harry nodded and let go of her hand. With her pulse pounding, Lili watched from the doorway while the cops took him to Child Protective Services. She sincerely hoped that she had made the correct choice and that Harry and his friends would get the help they needed.


The following morning, Lili sat at her tiny wooden table and thought about Harry as the warm light streamed through her kitchen window. She fumbled her fingers and dialed Child Protective Services. After a few rings, a woman’s voice answered.

How may Child Protective Services assist you?

“Hello, my name is Lili. The cops brought Harry, the young youngster I took in last night, to your office. was curious to know how he was doing.

The person on the other end of the call paused briefly. “Oh, I understand. Thanks, Harry. His foster family took him back after we looked into his case. There was no sign of subpar treatment.


Lili’s heart sank. Still, he told me about the terrible situation. He had bruises all over him. Has he received a thorough examination from anyone?

Condescendingly, the woman said, “Ma’am, sometimes children exaggerate.” “We followed the established protocols. We were reassured by the foster family that everything would work out.

Lili grimaced, suddenly feeling quite determined. Could you pls give me the address of the foster family? I just want to make sure that everything is truly okay with him.


“I’m sorry, but I can’t disclose that information,” the woman stated firmly.

Lili begged, her voice quivering with terror. “He could be seriously in danger.”

“I’m sorry, ma’am. There is nothing more we can do.

Feeling frustrated and powerless, Lili hung up. She could not shake the feeling that Harry needed her. She took a deep breath and decided to take action on her own. Lili made the decision to start by researching the neighborhood that she remembered Harry mentioning. She knew she had to find him.

Lili spent several hours searching before locating the house that fit Harry’s description. It was a run-down building with peeling paint and a neglected yard. With her heart pounding fiercely, she climbed the cracked path. She took a deep breath and knocked on the door.


When Lili got to the foster family’s home, she was filled with a mix of terror and resolve. The house sat on a dilapidated lot with overgrown vegetation and a rotting fence.

She inhaled deeply, closed her handbag, and rapped on the door. The door creaked open, revealing a gruff, cold-faced woman.

The woman asked sharply, “Can I help you?”

She introduced herself as Lili and tried to sound confident. “Child Protective Services sent me to take some happy photos of the kids for their files.”

The woman regarded her warily. “Why am I unaware of this?”



Lili stifled a chuckle. It was an impulse choice. We only want to update our records and show how far the kids have come.

After a tense minute, the woman hesitantly stepped away. “All right. Move quickly. They are in the living room.

The cold, unwelcoming atmosphere of the house first surprised Lili. The wallpaper was peeling off, and the furniture looked old and worn. The woman introduced herself as Greta and she followed her down a short hallway. Lili’s worst fears came true when she noticed several child support cheques piled up on a side table.

Greta sternly ordered the children to tidy up and appear presentable. Along with several other children, Harry hobbled into the living room with a dejected expression on their faces. The instant Harry saw Lili, hope and recognition lit up his face.



Lili said, “Hello, Harry,” attempting to hide her nervousness. “I’m just here to snap a few photos for the archives.”

Harry nodded, his eyes darting tensely to Greta. The other children stood in a line, expressionless. Lili’s heart hurt as she snapped a few photos, capturing the children’s fear and thinness in their eyes.

Lili pretended to take additional pictures as she moved about the room, her mind racing. She understood that she needed evidence as quickly as possible. Can I snap a picture of the kids beside the kitchen table, she said, trying to obtain a better view of more of the house.



Greta squinted her eyes. “How come you would need that?”

“Just to illustrate their daily lives,” Lili replied affably. “Having a variety of settings is helpful.”

Greta nodded grudgingly and led the children into the kitchen. As they walked, Lili peered about, taking in the empty cabinets and the pile of soiled dishes in the sink. It was clear that there was no compassion in the house.


Greta’s doubts appeared to intensify overnight. She moved aside, pulled out her phone, and made a call. Greetings from Child Safety Services. Has a photographer been assigned to take pictures today?

Lili’s heart was racing. She knew she didn’t have much time. She snapped a few more quick shots that captured the youngsters’ surroundings’ despair. Greta’s cheeks turned red with anger as she heard the response from the other person.

“You told a falsehood!” Greta shot her glance sharply and shouted. “Leave my house immediately, or I’ll call the police!”


Lili did not wait for two justifications. She dashed to the door, her mind already racing with ideas of how she could save Harry and the other children. Greta’s husband arrived as she was going outside, appearing just as furious.

“Don’t you ever come back here,” he yelled. “Or you’ll be sorry!”

Lili nodded, her heart pounding as she made her way to her car. As she drove off, her resolve grew more firm. She knew that under such terrible conditions, she couldn’t leave those children behind. She would find a way to help them, no matter what.


Lili could not get Harry and the other children out of that horrible house that night. Acting was what she had to do. She hauled the heavy ladder out of her garage and into her car, struggling beneath its weight. Her heart racing with fear and resolve, she drove back to the foster family’s home under the cover of darkness.


When she arrived, she parked a short distance away, taking care to keep quiet. She maneuvered the ladder to the side of the house silently, setting it under the window she knew to be the kids’ room. The house was dead silent, but for the occasional sound of leaves moving in the breeze.



Lili touched the window tenderly. After a few tense seconds, Harry’s face showed. His eyes expanded in astonishment and relief upon seeing her. Lili motioned for him to shut up and instructed him to gather the other children. Harry nodded and disappeared back inside the room.

One by one, the children cautiously descended the ladder and went out the window. Lili stood at the bottom and assisted each child down safely. Her heart ached with each tiny, cold finger that closed around hers. Finally, every youngster had departed. They quickly and silently made their way to Lili’s car, where they piled in as noisily as they could.

For a moment, Lili felt relieved as she drove away. However, her heart skipped a beat as she saw flashing lights in her rearview mirror. A police cruiser pulled over and an imposing-looking cop got out.


“Ma’am, what were you doing with these children?” he demanded.

Lili had little time to respond when Harry murmured something from the back seat. Could you please, officer? We had to leave immediately!

The other children nodded in accord, their faces sad and terrified. The officer looked at Lili’s eyes, saw the despair in them, and turned back to her.

“Is this true?” he asked the children.

“Yes!” they all shouted at once. “We received terrible treatment.”

The officer’s expression twisted. He took a step back and radioed for help. “It’s okay,” he muttered. “We’ll take care of things further. We’ll make sure that everybody is safe.

Lili felt her comfort level rise. The cops released her after making a commitment to investigate the foster family and get the children back to the services. As she drove home, she realized that she had made the right choice. Harry and the other children would finally be safe.


A year later, Lili was traveling through a peaceful location under a bright sun. She was seated next to Harry, who was officially her adoptive son. His beaming smile was a far cry from the terrified child she’d met a year before.

“Are you anticipating seeing everyone?” Lili asked, smiling kindly at Harry.

“Yeah, I’m eager to see how they’re doing,” Harry replied with gusto.

Their first home was a cozy house with a little, well-kept yard. As they got closer, the door opened, showing a young child who quickly hugged Lili and Harry. Her new parents smiled warmly behind her.

The mother said, “I really appreciate you coming to visit.” “She’s making a lot of friends and doing so well in school.”

As they moved on to the next residence, Lili felt a thrill flow through her heart. The same growth and satisfaction stories were told at every visit. After being scared and abandoned, the children were now doing well in loving families.



As they headed home, Harry turned to Lili. “Liz, I’m so glad you happened across us that night. You have changed our life.

Lili shook his hand firmly, emotion blurring her eyes. No, Harry. Each of you changed mine.

Tell your friends about this story, please, and let us know what you think. It might cheer them up and brighten their day.



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