“Holiday Football Gets Hilarious with a Surprising Twist!”

“Seven points!” the elderly man exclaimed as he let out a loud fart, which occurred just as the elderly couple had just settled into bed.



The question “What was that all about?” was posed by his wife, who rolled over in a state of confusion.


With a smirk on his face, the elderly gentleman responded, “It’s fart football.”



“Touchdown, tie game!” the wife joyfully proclaimed a few minutes later, knowing that she did not want to be left out of the action.



Immediately following a little pause, the elderly gentleman retorted with another one, boasting, “Aha, 14 to 7! It’s going my way.”





“Touchdown, tie game again,” the wife was determined to stay up with the game, so she let loose with another big one.



Then, with a slight squeak, she continued by saying, “This is a field goal!” At the moment, I am in the lead, 17 to 14.



This time, the elderly guy was feeling the pressure, and the idea of losing was too much for him to bear. In an effort to avoid being defeated, he exerted all of his strength, but he may have exerted a little bit more effort than was necessary. It came as a complete surprise to him when he poop in the bed by accident.



As she stood there in disbelief, his wife questioned, “What on earth just happened?”



The elderly gentleman heaved a sigh and then stated, “Half time—it’s time to switch sides.”



Special joke: “Dad, what are you talking about?” “What are you talking about?” During the phone call, the son let out a scream.



After hearing this, the father responded, “We are unable to tolerate the sight of each other any longer.” I am sick of her face, and I am sick of talking about this. I am sick of doing both. He then hung up the phone after saying, “So call your sister and tell her.”



Now in a state of fear, the son dialled his sister’s number. A yell came from her that said, “Like hell, they’re getting divorced!” At that moment, she quickly called her father.



There is no way that you are going to divorce! There is nothing else you should do. Tomorrow, the two of us will be flying back to our respective homes to discuss this matter. You should not make a phone call to a lawyer or submit a paper till then. ARE YOU ABLE TO HEAR ME? She slapped the handle of the phone down.



“Okay, they’re both coming for Christmas and paying their own airfares,” the elderly man responded to his wife as he turned to face her.

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