My Wife’s Entitled Daughters Demanded That I Pay for Their Weddings — I Taught Them a Lesson in Respect



The entitled daughters of my wife demanded that I cover the cost of their weddings; I gave them a respectful lesson instead.

Although his daughters solely cared about money, Jack thought that love was more important than money. He was devastated when they insisted that he cover the cost of their nuptials. Jack demonstrated to them the genuine meaning of family and respect, determined to teach them a valuable lesson.

I’m Jack, and I’m fifty-five and counting. Let’s get real now. Which is more important, love or money? I take it you’d say love? That’s why this story is so heartbreaking, actually. My girls made the money decision.



Jack, brokenhearted, shares his story | Source: Midjourney

My lovely wife Mary split from her unfaithful ex fifteen years ago. She gave us three amazing teenage girls, and we have been happily married for ten years. I threw open my arms and embraced them as if they were my own, ecstatic.

The oldest, Lily, warmed up to me immediately. Even if we are not a perfect match, she has always shown us kindness and support, especially when one of us is ill.



Lily, Sandra, and Amelia, Jack’s stepdaughters | Source: Midjourney

Amelia and Sandra, the other two? Not in that way. I truly did give it my all, people. However, kids have always perceived everything about me—including my income, automobile, and appearance—through the prism of their father.

There was no doubt that they never warmed up to me. Nevertheless, I supported them throughout college, provided for their needs, and carried out all of a father’s duties. That should be sufficient, I thought.



A depressed older man Extracted from Pexels

We rarely saw each other outside of holidays. However, suddenly yesterday, they both called, almost simultaneously. This is how it transpired:

“Jack, we’ve decided to have a double wedding!” they chirped. And, you know,

Their voices had the sound of currency signs clinking, almost.

“Moreover?” I questioned, already sensing my stomach knot getting tighter.



Older man with smartphone in hand | Source: Pexels

They answered, as though it were the most natural thing in the world, “We want you to pay for them.”

My teeth sounded like they were crushing together because my jaw was so tight. Who pays for their nuptials? The audacity!

Please understand that money wouldn’t have been the problem. Regardless of whether they felt the same way, I always thought of them as my daughters. However, their arrogant demeanor? That hurt.



Jack is furious with his daughters’ arrogant demeanor | Source: Midjourney

“Why me?” With a tight voice, I manage to escape.

Sandra interjected, “Well, you paid for Lily’s, didn’t you?”

It was a different tale during Lily’s wedding. She never held out expectations or extended her hand. But I was there for her, all smiles and a helping hand, when she needed it.



Unsplash | Source: A wedding

But these two? They continuously made fun of me and made comparisons to their biological father. Although it hurt, I continued to love them as if they were my own despite their lack of affection. I mean, I wasn’t really an ATM, was I?

“How is your father doing?” I inquired, hoping for some semblance of manners.

With a note of entitlement in her voice, Amelia moaned, “He says it’s too expensive for him.” “You’re up, then, since your pockets are deeper?”


A youthful female conversing via phone | Source: Pexels

I wanted to scream. to express to them how ungrateful and conceited their behavior was. But then something clicked in my mind. I could try to use this as an opportunity to teach them a lesson. A lesson in the true meaning of family, love, and respect.

I tried to seem calm as I said, “Okay, let’s talk about this in person.” Come on over tomorrow night so we can discuss things further.



An image of a man on the phone from Pexels

With virtually bouncing excitement, they both agreed. They believed they had me completely under control, as you can see. They had no idea that things would soon flip around on them.

The doorbell resounded throughout the house the following evening. Sandra and Amelia were waiting there when I opened the door, their arms laden with grocery bags and takeout containers protruding from the top.

With an artificial smile, Sandra exclaimed, “Hey, Jack!” “We carried dinner. Your favorite is Thai.



When Sandra and Amelia get home, they greet their stepdad. Jack | Midjourney is the source

Amelia gave her sister a shove. It’s not just Thai; it’s Pad Thai, actually. Make the correct decision.

With a bland demeanor, I held the door open. “Enter, enter. However, let’s talk about this wedding business before we start eating.

We all sat down at the living room table, temporarily forgetting about the takeout. I exhaled deeply and outlined everything.



Looking outside, a mature man | Source: Pexels

“I’ll be honest; even though I helped you both through college, I haven’t always felt appreciated in return. You now want me to cover the cost of your nuptials? Let’s discuss why you believe that to be fair.

The air was heavy with silence. Sandra and Amelia looked at each other, a quiet exchange of words.

Sandra eventually said, “Well, you paid for Lily’s wedding. You should really do the same for us, isn’t that fair?



Sandra teaches Jack discussing fairness | Source: Midjourney

“It has nothing to do with fairness,” I shot back. “Lily has consistently shown kindness and deference. She never asked for anything, but I was more than willing to assist her when she did. However, all of your criticism and comparisons to the wealthy fathers of your friends and yourself have come from you two. You have never called me “dad” or even treated me like family.”

“But we’re related!” With a rebellious undertone, Amelia cut in. “You work for your family, right?”



Jack gets yelled at by Amelia | Source: Midjourney

“Family, huh?” Raising an eyebrow, I said. My tongue tasted nasty when I spoke it. To be honest, there hasn’t exactly been a reciprocal sentiment. It’s more like strangers living together, isn’t it? Hey, let’s see what that really means if you want to play the family card. Are you ready for a test?

I leaned forward, a naughty smile tugging at the corner of my lips. “Okay, let’s make a deal. I’ll help with your nuptials, but there’s a catch,” I said, pausing to let the suspense mount.



Jack is working on a plan. Source: Midjourney

“I want you both to stay here for the next three months, help out, and treat me with some serious respect. Just sincere work, please—no more negativity or comparisons. The money is yours if, after three months, I witness a sincere change of heart. However, if nothing changes, you’ll have to start over when it comes to organizing your wedding and finding a different way to pay for the big day.

Once more, the room became quiet, and it was evident to see how surprised they were. For three months? Reside here? It was not what they had anticipated.


Amelia and Sandra seem somewhat unhappy | Source: Midjourney

“Forty-three days?” Amelia gave a stutter. However, we have plans! Jobs, residences, etc.

“Those plans can wait,” I firmly remarked. “I’m making this offer. Accept it or don’t.

They looked at each other in panic. Though it was obvious they weren’t excited about the idea, the possibility of a free wedding must have been alluring.

Sandra finally spoke, letting out a defeated sigh. “All right, all right. Three months. However, we don’t wash dishes.



Astonished beyond belief, Amelia | Source: Midjourney

I laughed. “There’s no denying that the food is included. However, at least you’ll have a roof over your head and some tasty meals prepared at home!

The next few weeks required some adjustment, to put it mildly. Amelia and Sandra weren’t exactly household deities. The criticism of my furniture choices turned into a daily ritual, and I was constantly the target of passive-aggressive remarks.



For the following three months, Amelia and Sandra team up | Source: Midjourney

However, things began to shift gradually. They witnessed my diligence in maintaining the household and my attention to detail when preparing meals for the family.

Even though they initially resisted, they started helping out with tasks. We resumed our family dinners, which were difficult at first but became more natural as the evenings went on.



Dinner at the table | Source: Pexels

They saw directly the devotion and affection I felt, even in the absence of reciprocation, for their mother and for them. They heard about the compromises I made and the overtime I put in to provide them a good existence. The walls of animosity started to come down gradually.

By the time the three months were over, their perspectives had changed. They now considered me to be a true member of their family rather than an outsider. I watched them transform from conceited girls into compassionate women.



Sandra raised her voice one evening while we were all seated around the table.

She spoke the word “Jack” in an almost whisper. The last few months have truly opened my eyes. We sincerely apologize for how we handled you. In actuality, our fiancés are contributing to a portion of the wedding expenses, and we will also be contributing from our savings.



Jack receives an apology from Sandra | Source: Midjourney

However, that’s not all, Amelia added. “All we want is for you to lead us down the aisle,” we said. Our father, well, after the divorce, he was not around. Conversely, you were there at all times. It was you who always stepped forward to pay for Lily’s wedding and for our education.

Yes, we really apologize for not appreciating you for who you really are. It stings to understand today that we were deprived of a true father figure,” Sandra continued.



According to Midjourney, Amelia requests that Jack accompany her and Sandra down the aisle.

An emotional surge swept over me. And there they were, expressing regret and admitting my influence on their lives. It exceeded all of my expectations.

I nodded, experiencing a knot in my throat. “Thank you very much, gals. and didn’t even think you would tell it to me. However, I still want to discuss your weddings.

I fulfilled my promise and helped with their weddings. The best present, though, was intangible. It was our growing mutual regard that was the catalyst.



Money hidden in a briefcase | Source: Pexels

Not only was I proud of my daughters’ pleasure as I accompanied them down the aisle, but I was also proud of the adventure we had all taken. It served as a tribute to forgiveness, family, and the unforeseen ways in which love can blossom.

Their nuptials evolved into a celebration of their love stories as well as the stronger, more polite family we had grown to be, together with our shared journey towards a better future.



With their father Jack’s love and blessings, sisters Sandra and Amelia are ready to begin a new chapter in their lives | Source: Midjourney



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