My Boyfriend’s Public Proposal Ended with a Slap – Here’s Why

I slapped my boyfriend after he made a public proposal to me at a restaurant.

A bustling restaurant ought to have been the setting for a romantic proposal on my birthday, but it wasn’t. My fiancé got down on one knee to propose to me, but I never imagined that the moment would become a nightmare.

The candles on my birthday cake had just blown out. I was suddenly grinning widely at the small Italian restaurant with my family and friends. I was gawking in shock for a moment. My five-year boyfriend Noah surprised me with a knee-lift proposal while clutching a diamond. 💍

He told Clarissa, “These past five years have been the happiest of my life.” Would you kindly—

But I interrupted him abruptly. As soon as I saw the ring inside the box, my palm shot out and struck hard against Noah’s cheek. Our families all let out a collective gasp, and the restaurant fell silent.


Noah’s fingers rushed to his flushed cheek, his eyes wide with shock. “Clarissa! How on earth—

“How were you able to?” I muttered, tears burning in my eyes. “You can’t even ask me out with THAT ring?”

Noah started to lose his vision. “What subject are you talking about? I picked this one especially for you.

With shaking hands, I took the ring out of the box and gave it a quick inspection. The elaborate band, adorned with brilliant diamonds, appeared precisely as I had recalled from the image.

And there it was, the damning initials L.F. carved into the band’s side.

“Noah, please stop lying to me. This ring belongs to Lorraine. “My best friend’s ring!”


Noah’s face became pallid. Lorraine? What part does she have to play here?

I could feel the glares in the restaurant from every single customer. The rage and embarrassment burned into my cheeks.

She sent me a picture of this exact jewelry last week. asserted himself as her “secret boyfriend.” That you have been sneaking around with my best friend is unbelievable.

Noah had a surprised expression. “Clarissa, you’re totally wrong. I would never—

“Oh no, would you never? Never again betray me? Never, in front of me, speak a lie? However, the evidence is right here! I pushed the ring into his face, my palm quivering with rage.

Noah straightened up, his face painful and annoyed. Please give me a moment of your time, Clarissa. This whole thing is a big misconception.

“A miscommunication?” I laughed sourly. “Oh, I understand everything. Did you not believe that you could have both of us? Moving behind my back, my boyfriend and best buddy. For what duration have you been doing this, Noah? Weeks? Months?”

Noah raked his hands through his hair, clearly annoyed. “I swear to you, Clarissa, that Lorraine and I are not in a romantic relationship. I’m not sure why she has a picture of this ring, but if you’d just give me a chance, I could explain.

I shook my head, tears running down my cheeks. Noah, I believed in you. I loved you very much. Is this how you’re repaying me? by using her ring to ask her out?


My mother stepped forward, a troubled look on her face. “Clarissa, sweetheart, perhaps we should all settle down and—”

“No, mom! I refuse to give up. Does anyone know what it’s like to have your heart broken on your birthday? by the man you’ve fallen for? prior to everyone you are concerned about?

Noah leaned out to touch my arm, and I recoiled in fear. “Don’t touch me! Right now, I can’t even look at you.

Kindly, Clarissa. After five years together, you expect me to discard everything? I’m handing that ring to you. Only you. Though I’m not sure what’s going on with Lorraine, I guarantee I had nothing to do with her predicament.

I quickly saw that someone was missing as I glanced around the restaurant. “Where is she right now? Where are you, Lorraine?

My brother, Tom, cleared his throat uneasily. “I believe she left a few minutes ago. that she wasn’t feeling good.

I laughed. She obviously did. Couldn’t bear for her little plan to backfire?

Noah’s eyes widened. “Strategic? “What do you mean, Clarissa?”


“Oh, Noah, please quit being so dumb. It’s evident now. Lorraine shows me the ring, hoping you’ll use it to make a proposal. What was the objective here? to diminish my sense of worth? to divide us apart?”

Noah violently shook his head. Clarissa, I promise to you that I have no clue what’s going on. But I really do love you. Only you. Would you please simply allow us to discuss this?

I took a long breath, trying to center myself. My rational mind was screaming for me to stop and give Noah a chance to explain. But the hurt and betrayal were simply too great.

“I need some air,” I said as I made my way toward the door. “I have to locate Lorraine.”

“Clarissa, hold on!” After I did, I got a call from Noah. Permit me to go with you. We can resolve this issue together.

I paused at the door to give him one more glance. No, Noah. I’m on my own to address this. Lorraine needs to tell me everything there is to know.

I walked out of the restaurant, leaving a shocked Noah and a bewildered room full of customers behind, eager to visit my best friend and find out what went wrong on this terrible birthday.


Feeling the cool night air like a smack across my face, I leaped out into the sidewalk. Lorraine’s form was fading in sight, half a block away.

“LORRAINE!” I yelled, my voice echoing off the buildings. “Go right ahead and stop!”

When she froze, her shoulders hunched as if she were prepared for a blow. As I approached her, she turned slowly, a troubled look in her eyes.

She said, “Clarissa, I can explain.”

What precisely do I need to clarify? How have you and my partner been hiding around?

Lorraine’s eyes widened. How come? Not at all! I would never—

Keep it safe. I saw the ring, dear Lorraine. The one you said your “secret boyfriend” gave you. But what do you know? Noah just tried to ask me to marry him with that exact ring.

Lorraine’s eyes began to flood up with tears, and I was astonished to see the creases in her cheeks. “Oh my goodness, Clarissa, what a horrible mistake I made.”


Noah started to stand up, breathing heavily, before she could continue. He begged, “Please, let me explain, Clarissa.”

I whirled on him, my eyes burning. How about that, Noah? Tell me. How did you think popping the question with my best friend’s ring worked out?

Noah raked a hand through his hair and spoke with a tinge of annoyance. It’s not Lorraine’s ring! I ordered it to be made just for you. The letters L.F. do not stand for Lorraine or Fisher. It stands for “Love Forever.” Recall that this is our stuff.

I hesitated for a while, remembering how we would always sign letters to one other with L.F. Still, I shook my head.

“How could Lorraine have obtained a photo of it?”

Noah looked up at Lorraine, puzzled. Indeed, Lorraine. How were Clarissa’s engagement ring photos taken?

Lorraine blew on her tear-stained cheeks while shaking. “I sincerely apologize,” she stated. “I saw the ring when Noah showed it to me last week. He expressed interest in my opinion and said you would love it.


It felt like there was motion beneath my feet. “However, you claimed it came from your covert boyfriend.”

Lorraine’s shoulders sagged. “A secret partner isn’t present. I made everything up on my own. I was trying to play a joke on the two of you.

Something of a practical joke? Lorraine, why would you behave like way? I gasped out.

She cast a downcast stare, unable to meet ours. Clarissa, I was envious of you. You and Noah are such a good match. I’m not sure whether I could even for a minute cast doubt on each other. I guess I wanted to feel significant and like I made a difference in your relationship.

The wrath that was propelling me suddenly subsided, giving way to a feeling of hurt and empathy. “Oh, Lorraine, did you really believe that this was the best course of action?”


Saying, “Lorraine, you’re Clarissa’s best friend,” Noah stepped forward. You hold significance for both of us. Why didn’t you just come talk to us if you felt left out?

Lorraine sniffed and shook her head. “I know it was a dumb move. That’s not how I had expected it to turn out. I figured Clarissa would just get a little doubtful and then I would tell her it was all a prank. I wasn’t giving it any thought. I was unaware of the potential danger that could occur.


I looked up at Noah, and tears started to well up in my eyes. “I’m so sorry, honey. By making hasty assumptions, I destroyed everything.”

He smiled gently and took my hand in his. Nothing is harmed. However, I have to say that this wasn’t really how I had imagined this evening going.

I let forth a feeble laugh. “I hope not.”

With a step back, Lorraine added, “I’m so sorry, both of you,” her voice trailing off. “I did not plan for this to occur. It’s cool if you decide you never want to speak with me again.


I looked into my best friend’s eyes and saw the regret and anguish there. Despite everything, the thought of losing her was too much for me to bear.

“Lorraine, what you did was wrong. It hurt, and it could have ruined my relationship. But you’re still my best friend. We’ll work things out.


“Are you serious?” observing what I do?

I reached out to squeeze her hand. Friends behave in this manner. They are offering forgiveness. But the next time you feel jealous or excluded, please talk to us. Kindly give up making jokes.


“I promise. Never again.”

I was a little anxious as we made our way back to the eatery. I muttered, “Everyone must be thinking I’m crazy.”

Noah squeezed my hand reassuringly. “After we explain, they will understand.”

Everyone was staring at us as we withdrew into the small restaurant. My mother hurried over, her face filled with worry.

“Darling Clarissa, what happened?”

I took a deep breath. “A miscommunication occurred. a noteworthy one. But things are good for the time being.

Noah addressed our families and the curious onlookers, his throat clear.


“I really regret the prior disruption to all of you. If you don’t mind, I’d want to do this again in a little while. He turned and smiled gently at me.

My heart skipped a beat as Noah got down on one knee again and produced the ring that had caused so much chaos. This time, I saw it for what it truly was: evidence of his love and commitment.

Noah told Clarissa, “These past five years have been an adventure.” We’ve gone through highs and lows, misunderstandings and reconciliations. But with time, my love for you has only grown more intense. You’re my best friend, my co-conspirator, and the woman I want to live out the rest of my days with. Will you be my spouse?

With excitement, I nodded while shedding happy tears down my cheeks. All I could manage to say was “Yes.” “Sure, I’ll wed you!”


The restaurant erupted in cheers and excitement when I showed off Noah’s ring on my finger. I knew that this crazy night would become a story we would tell for years to come when he stood and pulled me into a kiss.


As I looked around at the joyful faces of my loved ones, I couldn’t help but note that sometimes the unexpected turns in life make love and life even more significant. 💞

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