A Boy’s Goodness Uncovers a Secret: A Message Embraced in the Earth
Story of the Day: A boy finds a note left in the soil and promises to water the old lady’s plants after she moves into a nursing home.
After seeing a fight about her plants between her older neighbor and her son, Daniel offered to water her garden. Later on, something significantly changed when he found a message buried in the ground.
That you would ask me that is absurd! I cannot water your plants here on a daily basis! If you offered me the house, I would accept it. Daniel drove up in front of a quaint small house with a beautiful garden when he heard screams. He had no idea who was yelling, even though he had never spoken to the older resident, Mrs. Carrino.
While he was still yelling, Daniel was shocked to see a man walking out of the house, followed by an older woman. “Arnold, you’ve only mentioned purchasing this place! I pleaded for you to come assist me! Are you insane? Do you want to die so you can inherit my house?
Daniel knew he should move on, but he remained firmly in place and raised an eyebrow.
Suddenly, he flinched at the clang of metal on metal. “How come? ”
You’re acting like a drama queen, mother. This house will still be mine. That you behaved that way toward me when I came to help you with your move is astonishing.
“If that’s how you’re going to act, leave now!” Arnold angrily stomped to his car and drove off as soon as Mrs. Carrino stated it. They were too preoccupied with their dispute to see Daniel, who was waiting there with his bike.
Finally, the elder woman noticed him. “What a boy, whoa.” Why are you here? “Is this you?,” she asked.
“I live two houses down the street. “Hello, this is Daniel, Caroline’s son,” he introduced himself while pointing toward his home. I’m sorry, but while I was traveling around, I heard the ranting. I started to feel nervous. Are you alright, Mrs. Carrino?”
Yes, I see you now, and I’m glad you recognize my name. There’s no need to be concerned. It was just my son being a brat, she said.
“Okay, no problem. I’m moving into a nursing home, so I asked him to come help me. But this was his whole point in coming here, to beg for the house. He said he was going to move in here. But I know he’s just going to sell it since he doesn’t value assets the same way I do. Since I put a lot of effort into earning this house, I won’t be selling it for as long as I live,” Mrs. Carrino said. But he got incredibly emotional when I asked him to water my plants. You probably saw the rest of the altercation.
Daniel said, “I can handle that,” with a shrug.
“What do you do?”
“Grow water for your plants.”
With regret in her eyes, Mrs. Carrino muttered, “I can’t pay you, dear.”
“I know this. But I’m really close by. Daniel reiterated, “It’s not a problem,” to which the older woman grinned encouragingly.
A few days later, Mrs. Carrino moved into a nearby nursing facility in Florida, and Daniel kept his word. He visited her house almost daily and was happy to water her plants. He soon became passionate about gardening and would visit Mrs. Carrino to ask if she might put additional plants.
Of course! Not understanding why she was being so sneaky, she smirked at Daniel and said in a whisper, “And make sure to watch out for the soil.”
Daniel began growing the garden by buying more plants and dreaming of starting a gardening business in the future in an effort to lessen his family’s suffering. His mother worked two jobs during the week and one job on the weekends to pay for the food and rent for him and his siblings. Still, it wasn’t enough.
His only bike was a result of side work he took on to fix an old bike he had found. But gardening gave him a break from his money worries, and he felt great when he planted a new plant and saw it grow. He never would have guessed what he would find in the garden one day.
He had read that azaleas fared well in Florida’s climate, so he bought some and started tilling a specific spot in the grass with a tiny shovel. Suddenly, he flinched at the clang of metal on metal. “How come? ”
He put down the shovel and used his hands to dig up a mason jar with a metal lid, finding a note within.
“Hello, Daniel! Thank you for your help; you are now the owner of this residence! Look through and find every document. You and your family are free to move in whenever you’d like.
Daniel looked at Mrs. Carrino in disbelief, but he swiftly used the key she had given him to enter the house. On the kitchen counter, he discovered the title to the house. Though he could hardly read it, he could make out his name at the bottom.
Still in amazement, he called Mrs. Carrino, who verified everything. “You will need to sign it in order to complete the transfer. But I wanted you to find the note first,” Mrs. Carrino said.
It was difficult for his mother to accept. Once they move into the house, they can stop paying the rent. Moreover, his family would greatly profit from the lack of a mortgage. They were so appreciative of the older woman’s gift that his mother and the other siblings started seeing her often and treating her like a grandma.
But when they were driving, Daniel noticed something far more fascinating. In Mrs. Carrino’s former chamber, there was another note. All that separated it from the one he had discovered was the name “Arnold.” The older woman really meant to give the house to her son in return for helping her with her plants. She changed her mind, though, and Daniel received a substantial present in appreciation for her thoughtfulness.
The lesson he learned was one he would never forget.
What can we learn from this story?
Set Daniel as your objective rather than Arnold. Arnold only want his mother’s home. All he did was say he wanted to support her. Daniel, however, just did it out of pure charity.
Never think that you have a right to inherit something. Kids shouldn’t ever feel entitled to the results of their labor, even if most parents like displaying them. Arnold believed he was going to inherit his mother’s house, but this was untrue.
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