For Years My Neighbor Comes Home for 15 Minutes in the Middle of the Day — I Finally Dared to Take a Peek


My neighbor has been coming home for 15 minutes during the day for years, and I finally had the courage to peek.




I had fifteen minutes left, I realized as I rushed to my front door. I hurried toward the open window, making sure no one was there to witness my beating heart. I looked over the windowsill, happy that no neighbors were looking.


Their living room had the same warm lighting and comfortable furniture arrangement as any other. Mike held a high-end camera and was facing away from me, as if he was trying to capture a special moment. Jill turned to face him and smiled subtly, her eyes beaming with love. A fleeting flash of movement on the edge of the room caught my eye, but Mike kept it there. Jill’s attitude changed abruptly from happiness to fear. I felt my breath stop in my throat as Mike’s eyes collided with mine as she cried, “Someone’s there!” “Someone is peering inside!”


I felt panic take hold of me. “No, no, no! This isn’t achievable! Frantically, I thought. I ran back home, heart pounding, slamming the door shut behind me and fastening it firmly. What was going through my mind? I looked inside their house, but why? Had I caused them any offense? I had no doubt that they would report me to the police.


The silence the following day was shattered by a knock on my door. I looked through the peephole and my gut twisted. It was Mike. He took an envelope out of his pocket and showed it to us. My photo. “Want more details?” he inquired, sounding surprisingly amused.


I stumbled over my apology as I acknowledged my shame. Mike, much to my surprise, smiled and made a surprise invitation. He revealed that, in order to treasure their time together, he snaps a daily photo of Jill since he adores her so much. This charming tradition made me feel less anxious.


I never again peeked out the window and I appreciated their wonderful custom from that day on. Rather, I honored their right to seclusion and developed a fresh admiration for the beauty of their relationship. A lesson was acquired, and a vulnerable time was transformed into a narrative of comprehension and bonding.


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