My Dad Ditched My Mom for My Best Friend – I Served Him His Own Karma

My dad left me for my best friend, so I gave him the benefit of the doubt.


My best friend, my dad, took the place of my mother, and I forced him to taste his own medicine.

When her father entered her birthday celebration with her best friend on his arm, Hannah became determined to hold him responsible. He was unaware that Hannah’s plan would totally flip the sequence of events during her graduation celebration.


“Happy birthday, kiddo,” whispered Dad, although his words hardly registered.

There were lots of balloons and banners in the room, but something didn’t feel right.

Observing all eyes, he asked, “What’s all the commotion?”

I’m amazed that it was taking place. Dad had attended my 25th birthday party as a guest of honor along with my closest friend, Jessica.

“How is Jess interacting with you?” I asked as soon as my disbelief subsided.



What do you mean, he asked, laughing. “We’re in love together!”

“Are you serious?”Mom is here, and everyone is watching us.”

He shrugged his shoulders. What the heck? I could care less about how she or anyone else feels about it; it’s her problem. This is the life I lead. I want to have fun.


Mom was standing by herself, tears streaming down her face, when I turned to look at her. She turned around and went inside when I could take it no longer.

“I never would have invited you if I knew you would do something like this!” I screamed and looked at my father. How in the world were you able to accomplish this, Jess? You were my closest friend.


Hannah, I’m sorry. But it appears to be a problem with YOU if you find it difficult to accept this.

I was astounded by it.

“Go!” was what I cried out. “Just go right now! Both of you!

“Hey Hannah, you’re overreacting,” said Dad. “It’s not as though your mother and I are dating, and I introduced a new person into our lives.”


“No, Dad, I’m not making this up, and I’d prefer not to discuss it. You have to leave right now. I’m throwing this party with my mom. This is the house where Mom lives.

“All right, let’s head out.”


I watched Dad leave, and then I returned to Mom and threw her a strong hug. “Mom, I apologize so much. I was unaware that they’d—

“Don’t worry, my darling. She only said, “Thank you,” that was all.


Even though it was hard for me to understand what had happened, I was more worried about the other guests’ shocked and sympathetic expressions when they saw my mom. I hated how they were treating Mom like an elderly, helpless victim.

A week passed.



One Sunday morning, Mom and I sipped tea on the couch in her charming living room.

I treasured the little time we had to ourselves as a pair. Usually, we would make something using Grandma’s recipe, but I could tell by the expression on Mom’s face that she was still coming to terms with what had happened.


Dad and Mom only recently separated, but I know Mom missed him. What had occurred to me on my birthday still bothered her.

I said, “Mom, I’m really looking forward to graduation next month,” in an attempt to lighten the mood. “For me, it’s a significant milestone.”


With a smile on her face, Mom responded, “Oh, I’m so proud of you, Hannah,” her pride shining in her eyes. You worked really hard to deserve this day.

She suddenly said, “Seeing Jessica with your father was difficult,” and exhaled a painful breath. “You mean she’ll be graduating too?”

I moved over to take her hand and gave her a gentle squeeze.


Indeed, mom. It was terrible. However, you are stronger than this. You should receive better treatment.

Mom looked at me, her eyes welling with tears. Hannah, it’s simply so hard. I did not expect Jessica to act in this way. And now when she was thinking about them in bed, this, she felt like a daughter.

I ran over to give my mom a hug when she started crying.

She whispered, “Your father… “What did he say to me as he was leaving? You are far too old, Caroline. You don’t excite me anymore. Hannah, how could he have done this?

I can’t even begin to describe how much it broke my heart to watch Mom sob into my shoulders.


I tried to console Mom by telling her that “I didn’t either.” But we’re not going to let them hurt us anymore. You are not alone in this situation. Okay, let’s go through it as a team.

Mom was really concerned about what had transpired at my birthday celebration, so I devised a plan to put things right. I was just unable to inform Mom about it at that specific moment.

When I went into the small café close to the university the following Thursday morning, it was packed with both students and professionals.

There was chatter and the smell of coffee filled the space.


I spotted Tom at a corner table and waved.

I used to know Tom back in my youth. He was one of Dad’s coworkers who was always cordial and pleasant. He stopped visiting us as much as before once we moved across town. His familiar face evoked recollections.

After taking a seat, I greeted Tom. “Nice to see you again.”

Hannah, I’m amazed! You’ve gained experience. He chuckled. It’s good to see you too. How are things doing overall? He asked.



“Exciting but hectic,” I replied. “Graduation is coming up soon.”

I didn’t think Tom would reply when I messaged him on Facebook a week ago. But I decided to give it a shot because, for whatever reason, his name was the first that sprung to mind.

Thank goodness, he replied.

While sipping my coffee, he said, “By the way, I thought about your idea.” I have no problem with that. Will your mom agree?

“She intends to.” Warm regards. I sincerely appreciate all of your help.

You’re welcome, Hannah. You deserve more, and your mother does too,” he replied.


We had a pleasant chat covering a wide range of subjects, including my early years and the princess dolls Tom gave me as a gift. He was the most charming man I had ever met, and I had a brilliant notion simmering in the back of my mind.

I had no idea how fast time went by until graduation day arrived.

I was surrounded by stunning clothing and makeup in Mom’s bedroom.

I nodded at Mom when she raised a really pretty outfit.

My mother said, “It’s unbelievable that my child is graduating,” when she was tying my clothes. “Hannah, you look magnificent.”


“Thank you, Mom.” I think you look amazing, too. Tonight is going to be an amazing night,” I grinned in return.

Mom had on a sparkling navy blue dress that fit her perfectly. Her elegant silver jewelry added the perfect final touch to her lovely waves in hair.

Wearing her jewelry, she said, “I hope your dad behaves himself tonight.”

“Mum, try not to worry about him. Simply focus on having fun. I assured her that everything will work out.

Mom smiled, but there was worry in her eyes.


I squeezed her tightly. In reality, mom. Enjoy yourself this evening. You have earned it. I’m ecstatic for you.

Yes, sweetheart, I will. “Thank you,” she muttered as she gave me a hug.

I looked in the mirror and straightened my clothes and makeup. “I have to go right now. As I reached for my bag, I bid you farewell.

“All right, Hannah. My mother gave me a quick kiss and said, “See you there.”

I took a long breath out of the home. I was feeling ready; I had the plan. I knew that tonight had to be perfect, for me as much as for Mom. Nothing was going to ruin our night, in my opinion.


When I arrived at the graduation hall, I took one last look at myself in the mirror and adjusted my gown and cap.

Excitement filled the room as graduates and their families took their seats.

I turned to see Dad and Jessica arriving. They seemed so confident, but I knew things was going to change.

After a quarter of an hour, Mom and Tom entered the theater. She was stunning, and Tom looked dapper in a suit.

Seeing them together made me happy. In exchange, I waved at them.


When Dad and Jessica realized Mom was happy with a man who was around five years her junior, I could see their shocked expressions!

Tom, thank you for attending. Mom, you look gorgeous!” “I gave her a hug and said.”

Then Dad’s voice could be heard.

“Tom? What brings you to this location?

When we turned to look, Jessica was following him.

Tom put one arm around Mom. The man said, “Supporting a dear friend and her daughter.”


“You mentioned that he was a colleague, didn’t you? How did this happen? I turned to see Jessica talking to Dad, and I grinned, knowing that my plan was working.

“Well, Tom and Mom have been catching up lately. They realized they had a lot in common, I said with a smile.

Dad seemed upset. That seems reasonable, he said. “Well, Tom, it’s nice to see you.”

Tom smiled a little. It’s good to see you too, Robert. Don’t you think life is full of interesting things?

As the evening progressed, Mom and Tom seemed to be happy together. They laughed and danced together, looking like the perfect pair. Jessica tried to appear normal, but it was obvious that she was uncomfortable.


Even Dad was becoming a little too agitated. He continued looking from Mom to Tom, and I could see the wheels moving in his head.

Before leaving, Mom gave me a great hug. “My heartfelt appreciation for everything, my love. I’m overjoyed for you.



“Mum, you have my admiration as well,” I smiled. “Every happiness in the world is yours to have.”

Seeing her go with Tom, I knew my father felt bad about his choices. He realized too late that he had lost the most important aspect of his life. When I saw that he had pushed Jess away when she wanted to dance, I laughed.

My plan to convince Dad that Mom could live contentedly without him worked brilliantly. Tom and Mom fell in love and are currently together. I’m very thrilled for her.


Do you think Dad should have had a taste of his own medicine?

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