A Moldovan physician named Dr. Viktor Ivanovik, who has nearly 300,000 followers on TikTok, has recently gone popular for a video that is both unusual and cautionary. The film is about a tradition that is frequently observed, which is kissing relatives who have passed away during farewells. Conversations regarding health hazards that many people may not have previously considered have been generated as a result of this video, which was unexpected and contained some uncomfortable elements. This is the message that Dr. Ivanovik wants to convey: “Never kiss the deceased.”
As Dr. Ivanovik describes in the video, the body goes through a natural process of decomposition after the individual has passed away. Approximately nine hours after the individual has passed away, the body starts to decompose, which results in the release of hazardous microorganisms into the environment. These bacteria, which are generally present in the body but are kept in check throughout life, become more hazardous as the body deteriorates. According to Dr. Ivanovik, kissing the deceased during this time period could put individuals at danger of being exposed to these hazardous bacteria, which could result in potential health issues such as the destruction of their sense of smell. As a result of this warning, a great number of individuals are reevaluating their customs and engaging in more critical reflection on their habits.
Many different responses have been received in response to the video. A significant number of viewers had never seriously considered the potential risks to their health that could be posed by kissing a deceased person. A number of individuals found the concept of bacterial exposure to be enlightening, prompting them to reevaluate this traditional practice. On the other hand, there have been several individuals who have shown profoundly emotional reactions, stating that the requirement for a personal farewell far outweighed any concerns over health. A fan, for example, expressed their sentiments by saying, “I kissed my father and I would do it a million times over!” He is my father, and I can lose both my sense of smell and taste!
The strength of the emotional connection that people have with their loved ones, particularly at times of loss, is highlighted by this sentiment. The act of kissing the departed is not only about bringing closure to the situation, but also about showing respect, love, and the ultimate gesture of affection for many people. The ritual is profoundly personal and assists folks in coping with the loss of a loved one or other person who was close to them. In many different cultures, the act of saying farewell in such a personal manner is considered to be an essential component of the grief process.
The video that was uploaded by Dr. Ivanovik has helped to initiate a more widespread discussion regarding the delicate balance that exists between cultural customs and health concerns. His message is not necessarily a condemnation of cultural traditions; rather, it is an invitation for people to reflect on the health implications of their acts. The doctor’s objective was to raise awareness about the potential risks of microbiological exposure; nonetheless, his message is not necessarily a condemnation of cultural customs. In many regions of the world, the act of kissing the departed is a time-honored custom that brings with it a great deal of cultural importance. The film by Dr. Ivanovik, on the other hand, draws attention to the necessity of cultural sensitivity while discussing health issues, particularly when these practices are entrenched in profound emotional and familial relationships.
Additionally, the movie draws attention to the growing necessity of addressing the junction between public health and traditional practices. In spite of the fact that cultural rituals, such as kissing a loved one who has passed away, are crucial for the emotional well-being of a great number of individuals, it is essential to acknowledge that such actions may pose potential health concerns. When people are experiencing severe sadness, they frequently find themselves overcome with emotions, which can occasionally cause them to lose sight of potential dangerous situations. When situations like these arise, it can be beneficial to equip individuals with knowledge that enables them to make decisions about their actions that are based on accurate facts.
As a result of the film becoming viral, conversations have arisen regarding how to strike a balance between personal customs and contemporary health awareness. On the one hand, the cautious advise that Dr. Ivanovik provides serves as a reminder that health and safety should always be a factor, even when one is experiencing pain and suffering. In addition to this, it sheds light on the intricacies of cultural practices and the ways in which these customs frequently have a considerably more profound significance than what may at first appear to be the case. When the idea of taking preventive precautions is weighed against the personal significance of the act, it is possible that the emotional weight of a final goodbye can make the idea appear insignificant.
Despite the fact that it was unanticipated, the TikTok video that Dr. Ivanovik posted has sparked an important conversation on social media. While simultaneously recognizing the profoundly personal and emotional nature of farewells, it educates viewers about the importance of being mindful of potential health hazards. His message is not just about bringing attention to the issue, but also about generating a debate that acknowledges the cultural relevance of traditions as well as the significance of health and safety.
At the end of the day, the film that Dr. Ivanovik created serves as a reminder that health concerns should not be ignored, especially in times of sorrow. On the other hand, it highlights the significance of having empathy, cultural sensitivity, and understanding when dealing with traditions that are so personal and emotional. It is essential to be aware of the possible dangers that may arise during times of loss; nevertheless, it is equally essential to appreciate and respect the methods in which individuals express their love for their loved ones and say their goodbyes to them with respect. Additional conversations on how we might address delicate matters in a manner that takes into consideration both personal traditions and public health can begin with the film, which serves as a starting point for those conversations.
This conversation has the ability to change the way people think about common practices, so assisting individuals in making decisions that are more informed while also respecting the emotional needs that are associated with these traditions when doing so. Dr. Ivanovik has not only provided his followers with information regarding potential health hazards, but he has also sparked a conversation that is desperately needed regarding the intersection of tradition, health, and mental well-being.