Girl Sacrifices Her Last Savings for Stranger’s Bus Fine – Cries When He Shows Up at Prom

Girl Crying When He Shows Up at Prom After Giving Up Her Last Savings for a Stranger’s Bus Fine

Story of the Day: Girl Gives All of Her Money to Pay a Stranger’s Fine on the Bus, Cries Upon Seeing Him at Her Prom

Carly still had her whole life ahead of her, but for now, the prom seemed to be the biggest thing. Despite their financial struggles, her mother and grandma had saved some money for the dress of her dreams. However, she decided to prioritize the needs of others over her personal happiness after a single bus ride.

The sixteen-year-old Carly lived in a cozy, compact apartment with her mother Dina and grandmother Holly.

Life had never been particularly simple for the family. Due to their lack of resources, they regularly had to make concessions in order to get by.

Despite their financial struggles, the three of them shared a close bond that made the tough times a bit more bearable.

They were in love, and Carly felt that their love was everything.

But that was not how today was. Carly felt the buzz of anticipation in the air.

She had been quietly fantasized of dressing gorgeously for prom in order to feel like she belonged, even if she hadn’t said it much.

Carly attempted to hide her grief, knowing that her family was not able to buy anything similar, while all the others at school were talking about their extravagant costumes and planning.

But this morning, something amazing happened. Dina and Holly beckoned Carly into the kitchen, both of them beaming.

The smell of freshly brewed coffee permeated the space, and the window’s natural light added to the pleasant atmosphere. With dazzling eyes, Dina motioned Carly to take a seat.

Tenderly opening her remarks, Dina stated, “We understand how significant your prom is to you.”

“We’ve been saving up, even though it’s not much, and we want you to have something special.”

Carly blinked in surprise as her grandmother slipped an envelope over the table toward her. When she opened it out of curiosity, she saw many banknotes carefully nestled within.

Breath seized in her throat. It was not huge, but it was more than enough to buy a gorgeous gown.

Tears of gratitude filled her eyes as she gazed up at the two women who had done everything within their power to make her feel special.

“Thank you, Mom. “Thank you, Grandma,” Carly remarked in a tearful voice.That you handled this for me astounds me.

Holly reached out to shake hands politely with Carly.

“My love, you deserve it,” she said with a kind smile.

“Go now and look for a dress that really gives you a princess-like feeling.”

Excited and happy, Carly quickly dressed and headed out to catch the bus to the clothes store nearby.

She felt like the happiest girl alive, her fingers tightly balling the money.


Though she had no idea what was going to happen, she was anticipating and filled with excitement for the occasion. She was already visualizing the perfect dress that would make her prom night unforgettable.

The bus rattled over the well-traveled bumpy roads as Carly sat toward the front, holding the packet of cash her mother and grandmother had given her.

Her heart raced at the thought of choosing something beautiful, something that would make her feel like a princess even for one evening. She smiled to herself, thinking of the sparkly dresses at the dress shop.

However, she soon became aware of movement in the bus’s rear. There was a man hunched over in his chair, his clothes ragged, looking rather nervous.

He continued scanning his surroundings, as if he was worried someone would notice him.

Carly frowned slightly at his unusual behavior, but she quickly returned her attention to her dream outfit. Maybe something with lace or satin fabric?

Just like that, the bus stopped, stunning Carly out of her daydream. Two workers at the bus terminal went down the aisle as they boarded to make sure each person’s ticket was legitimate.

Carly slipped her ticket out of her pocket with caution when it was her turn. After giving it a quick glance, the employee turned to go. Up until they arrived at the man in the back, everything seemed normal.

The man froze, his hands quivering, and the employee asked for his ticket. “I… I don’t have it,” he muttered, his voice wavering.

I answered, “My wallet is at home.”

The workers exchanged agitated glances with one another.

With firmness, one of them declared, “No ticket means a fine.”


“If you fail to pay up, we’ll have to call the police.”

The man had a terrified expression on his face. “Please, I’m begging you,” he said, his voice trembling even more.

“I want to get to my daughter.” She’s sick, and I have to take her to the hospital. I was in a rush and I lost my wallet. Please, I just have to go to her.

The bus drivers didn’t seem to be convinced either. One of them gave a shake of his head.

We’ve heard every explanation imaginable. If you are not able to pay the fine, you will have to defend yourself in front of the police.


Carly was watching the sight when she felt her heart suddenly go on fire. She could feel his desperation and saw the fear in his eyes.

She had no idea what it would be like to be in that situation and completely defenseless, let alone to have a sick child waiting for him. She found that something in his story struck a deep chord with her.

Carly hesitated for a moment before getting to her feet. Her legs trembled as she made her way to the back of the bus.

“Is that true?” she softly said as she turned to face the man. “Is your kid really that sick?”

The man looked up into her face, tears welling up in his eyes. He mumbled, “She is, indeed.”

I just need to get to her. Please don’t let me lie about this; I swear.

Carly’s mind raced as she glanced down at the cash envelope she was still gripping tightly.

She was unable to let go of the idea that there were more important things in life than fashionable attire, though.

She inhaled deeply and handed the money to the bus drivers without thinking about it.

She silently muttered, “I’ll pay his fine,” with a strange mixture of melancholy and resolve.

“His daughter’s health is more important than anything else.”

The man gave her a disbelieving look, and she discovered later that his name was Rick.

“I… I can’t believe you did that,” he remarked in a tone full of gratitude.

“You’ve saved my bacon. I am appreciative.

Carly smiled weakly. Everything is well. I’m hope she gets better soon.

Rick asked her about her prom date and school.

We said our goodbyes for a few more times, and then he hurried off the bus to meet his daughter. Carly watched him go, heartbroken.

Even though she’d lost out on getting her dream dress, she hoped in her heart that she’d made the right decision.

As the bus drove away, Carly leaned back in her seat, feeling a sliver of hope that she had helped someone in need, even though she had no idea what the remainder of the day would bring.

Carly felt a lot of different feelings as she made her way home. Her early excitement had faded to a sense of melancholy and uncertainty.

Still, when she got closer to her front door, she couldn’t help but feel a little bit of dread.

When she walked in, her mother Dina and grandmother Holly were there, their faces beaming with joy at seeing the clothes they had sacrificed so much for her.

Dina’s joy faded the moment she saw Carly standing by herself.

“Carly, what happened?” Dina asked, a note of concern in her voice. Is this the dress that I found?

After a brief pause, Carly opened up about everything, even how she had paid her fine with the money intended for the outfit rather than giving it to the bus driver’s sick daughter.

As Dina spoke, her face reddened with annoyance.


“You gave the whole amount to someone you don’t know?” Dina gave voice to her exclamation. How could you be so innocent, Carly? That guy might have been lying to you! And what if he used you as bait?

Carly felt her heart tighten. She hadn’t given the idea that she might have been tricked much thought. When she realized how important her decision was, she started to get emotional.

When Holly noticed her granddaughter was sad, she moved in to comfort her.

Holly comforted her partner, saying, “Honey, it’s okay.” You followed through on your ethically just choice. Giving to those in need is morally right at all times. Remember that you will ultimately receive nice things back.

“But that was all the money we had for your prom!” Dina exclaimed, still incensed. Now, what are you going to do?

Carly dried her tears, unsure of how to react. She understood that, in spite of her conflicting feelings, she had acted gently.

The night before the prom, Carly stood outside the school with a knot of nerves in her stomach. She had chosen to wear an old, plain dress that she had worn many times before.

The faded linen didn’t shimmer or dazzle like the other girls’ gowns did, so as she drew nearer to the door, she began to feel uneasy.

She surveyed the area and saw clusters of girls, all decked out in designer clothing.

Their laughter floated into the air as they twirled around in their costumes, showing off the elegant attire they had selected.

Carly’s heart sank when she heard some whispers and chuckles directed at her. She tugged at the hem of her garment, feeling even smaller and more embarrassed.


Carly took a seat near the door with her hands folded in her lap, too bashful to go inside the building with the others. The weight of the evening was pressing down on her, and she nearly regretted coming at all.

Then she felt a slight tap on her shoulder.

To Carly’s surprise, Rick—the guy from the bus—was standing there with a big smile on his face. Beside him a young child stood, holding his hand.

“Carly, this is my daughter Haley,” Rick said sweetly. “She’s feeling better now.”

Haley gave Carly a box wrapped like a present and a beaming smile. Carly hesitated before taking it, trembling slightly in her hands.

Rick gave her a supportive nod, and upon gently opening the package, she saw a stunning prom dress. Her breath caught in her throat as tears filled her eyes.

Carly mumbled, overwhelmed, “I don’t know what to say.”

Rick smiled. You’ve already said enough for me because you helped me when no one else would. This is your cue to head out and enjoy your evening.

Carly experienced a deep sense of gratitude. She quickly changed into the dress and entered her prom with confidence, feeling like the princess she had always wanted to be.

Carly smiled, knowing that kindness does come back sometimes unexpectedly. It was a wonderful night.

Tell your friends about this story, please, and let us know what you think. It might cheer them up and brighten their day.

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