The majority of youngsters look forward to bath time at the end of the day, and the more toys in the water, the better.
However, a mother in Illinois is alerting parents to the possibility that an apparently innocuous bath toy could be harmful to children after her little son suffered a terrible accident that may result in his loss of vision.
While bathing her two-year-old son Baylor, Eden Strong noticed that there was irritation in his eye. Although she attributed it to having water in his eye, Baylor’s eye became worse after taking a bath.
Cellulitis is a potentially dangerous bacterial skin illness that her son developed. His eye progressed from pink to infected in a matter of 12 hours.
So I gained some knowledge. And because the images are so repulsive, I’ve been sitting on it for a few months.
She said on Facebook, “His eye was protruding from his face,” and the post has now gone viral. It was quite hazy. He had an extremely high fever.
“I cried the whole way to a bigger hospital, hoping he wouldn’t pass out.
The following week was quite spooky. His cellulitis was so bad that it eventually affected both of his eyes and the rest of his face. Thank God, his eyes mended even though they had informed me he would lose his sight in the worst eye.
Baylor’s horrifying eye injury was caused by a squirting bath toy.
**CAUTION**So I gained some knowledge. And because the images are so repulsive, I’ve been sitting on it for a few months.
“I discovered later that those kinds of toys can just grow bacteria that you can’t stop because the water is never fully ejected from them,” the woman stated.
In an attempt to alert other parents, Eden uploaded graphic images of her son’s wounds on Facebook. Since then, 192,000 people have shared the post. Pictures of other parents’ kids who had gone through similar things deluged Eden.
Strong expressed her hope that bath toy manufacturers will take this into account.
Since then, she has disposed of all of Baylor’s squeezable toys.
“I believe those toys in particular are adorable. They’re enjoyable. Although they are simple and inexpensive, they are not worthwhile.
What a terrifying experience this family had; I’m so relieved that Baylor is okay.
Send this to other parents as a warning.