When asked if he believed in God, Stephen Hawking gave a simple vanswer.



Stephen Hawking responded simply when asked if he believed in God.


His theories on God and the afterlife aroused people’s curiosity, and he was a groundbreaking theoretical physicist. He addressed the idea of an afterlife and the existence of a higher power in a number of works and conversations.


When questioned about his belief in God, Hawking gave a clear response. He believed that the universe could be explained by scientific rules and that there was no evidence of a greater power.


“It is natural to believe that God created the universe before we understand science,” he stated in an interview with the Spanish newspaper El Mundo. However, science now offers a more logical answer.



Hawking did not confine his religious beliefs to any one religion. He maintained that there was no empirical evidence for any religion and that all religions were based on the same principles of faith. He rejects religion.


In his co-authored book “The Grand Design,” Hawking expounded upon his ideas regarding the universe’s beginnings alongside Leonard Mlodinow. He argued against the creation of the universe by a divine being and in favor of the laws of physics.


He wrote, “The universe can and will create itself from nothing because there is a law like gravity.” “There is something instead of nothing; the cosmos and humans both came into being through spontaneous creation.”


Hawking also had scientific grounds for his opinions regarding the afterlife. He believed that the concept of a hereafter was pure fantasy. In his last book, “Brief Answers to the Big Questions,” he wrote


“No one made the universe or decided what was to happen to us.” This leads me to a startling conclusion: it’s likely that there isn’t a Heaven or afterlife.I think it’s wishful thinking to suppose there is an afterlife. It defies everything we know about science and is not supported by any reliable data.


Hawking does not, however, reject other people’s beliefs in order to impose his own. “Everyone is free to believe whatever they want, and the most straightforward explanation, in my opinion, is that there is no God,” he declared.


Stephen Hawking’s experiences as a mathematician and his quest to comprehend the universe through physical principles influenced his views on God and religion. Even though his opinions were different from others’, his contributions to science will be respected and appreciated for a very long time.


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