When I surprised my husband with dinner at work, I learned that he had been fired three months prior.

I surprised my spouse with his favorite work supper after he had not worked there for months. I never would have imagined that this understanding would destroy our twenty-year marriage and lead me in a direction I never would have chosen.


Jonathan’s favorite food is tiramisu, so I brought that along with lasagna and garlic bread. I felt he might use a little encouragement after working late for weeks. The security guard at Jonathan’s office building gave me an odd look when I asked for him.

He answered, “Ma’am, Jonathan hasn’t worked here in over three months.”

My stomach collapsed. How come? That isn’t achievable. Every day, he comes here.

The guard shook his head. I’m sorry, but I let him leave. It could be a good idea to talk to him about it.

With my cheeks burning, I left. What in the world was going on?



The next morning, I saw Jonathan get ready for “work” as usual, but before he left, he sat down on the couch and checked his phone.

“How’s it going, that possible promotion?” I asked jokingly.

He hardly ever looked away from his phone. “Oh, I see. continuing to work on it. Lots of stuff to accomplish.

I waited for his car to pull out of the driveway before I ordered a taxi. I answered, ‘Tell the driver to pursue that blue car. He gave me an odd look, but he didn’t argue.

Jonathan took us to a run-down part of town. He parked in a suspicious lot and sauntered over to a small café. Through the glass, I saw him take a seat next to an elderly woman.



I gestured for the driver to hold on. I caught them off guard by using my phone to snap shots.

A second, younger woman joined them after the first. Jonathan was soon seated at the table with six women. What did he have planned?

Just as they were walking away, I approached one of the women. “Pardon, may I ask how you know Jonathan?”

She scowled. “That idiot? He does not value genuine talent. I hope he has luck.

Before I could ask more inquiries, she became irate.

That night, I showed Jonathan the photos. Would you mind explaining?

His expression became pale. “You followed me behind? Rebecca, how could you possibly?


“How did I manage to do that? How could you have lied to me for months? What’s taking place?”

Jonathan groaned and fell back into a chair. “I quit my job to follow my passion. I’m the play’s director.”

I stared right at him. “A show? How’s our mortgage going? The money to send the kids to college? How can you afford to sponsor a play if you don’t have a job?

“I used some of our savings,” he declared. “Roughly $50,000.”

“Fifty thousand dollars?” I let out a cry. “Are you crazy?”

“It’s an investment,” Jonathan underlined. “This play will be my big break. That is something I know.



I took a deep breath. “We’re getting divorced, or you cancel this play and give the money back.”

Jonathan glared at me for a long time. “Becca, I have to keep pursuing my dream. I’m sorry.

Something felt like a slap. “Are you sorry?” That’s all you need to say.

Jonathan stood up, balling his fists. What should I say, exactly? That I’ll go back to a soul-crushing work just to please you?

“I expect you to have responsibility!” I shouted. Dear Jonathan, we are a family. Money. A future well-worth planning!

“And what about my future?” he shot back. “My goals? Are those not significant?

I laughed sourly. “Not when they take away all of our hard-earned money!”

Jonathan walked around the room. You don’t comprehend. This play is my chance to make a name for myself.”

I said, “You already had something,” and started crying. “A family. Just one life. Was it not enough?

He carried on. That is not the problem. I need something done for myself.


“For you,” I repeated. Excuse us, please. Not thinking about our children.

“When I succeed, they’ll understand,” asserted Jonathan.

I shook my head. “How come you’re not? What happens next?

He spoke, hardly saying, “I will be.” “You’ll discover.”

“No,” I answered, feeling a strange calmness wash over me. “I decline to do so. I refuse to witness you squander everything on a pipe dream.

Jonathan got serious-looking. “So I guess this is it for us here.”

As he stormed away, our broken existence dragging me down, I fell into the couch. How did we arrive at this position?

The months that followed were a blur of lawyers and paperwork. I went ahead and filed for divorce, fighting for my portion of the assets. Jonathan immersed himself in his precious play after moving out.


Emily, our oldest daughter, handled it poorly. She asked, “Why can’t you forgive Dad?” one evening.

I let out a breath. It’s not about forgiving, my dear. It all boils down to confidence. Your father broke that confidence.

One evening, Jonathan called. We open the play next week. Will you be attending?

“That’s not a good idea,” I retorted.

“Please, Becca. It would mean a lot.

Against my better judgment, I agreed. The theater was empty in half. Jonathan gave a disappointing performance. a complex plot and halting communication. Halftime came, and I left.

One week later, Jonathan showed up at the house. He was not shaven, and his clothing were all crumpled.

“The play flopped,” he exclaimed. “Becca, I’m so sorry,” I made a serious mistake.”


I held back a hint of pity. “I’m sorry it didn’t work out. But that is unrelated to our relationship.

“Why can’t we try again?” he pleaded. “For the children?”

I shook my head. When you can see them will depend on the court schedule. Jonathan, though, we’re done. I’ve moved on.

As I closed the door, I felt my shoulders relax. It hurt, but I knew I had made the right choice. It’s time to let go of Jonathan’s falsehoods and prioritize my kids and my future.

That night, I called my sister. Hey, remember that trip we kept talking about to Europe? Come on, let’s get started.

She laughed. “Really? What about your employment?

“I’ll figure it out,” I said. You know life’s too short to worry about what-ifs?


As soon as I hung up, I smiled. For the first time in months, I felt hopeful about the future. Who knew what adventures lay ahead?

The next morning, I woke up early and went for a run. It was good to breathe pure air. While jogging by our former, ghostly café, I saw Jonathan sitting and poring over a notepad.

I took a moment to consider before entering. But after that, I kept running. There were several chapters that were meant to stay closed.

When I got home, Emily had already begun making breakfast. It’s dawn, Dad,” she said. Do you want pancakes?

I hugged her tightly. It sounds wonderful, my love.

As we were eating, I brought up the subject of our future. “I’ve been thinking about making some changes. How would you feel about moving?

Emily widened her eyes. “Moving? Where?



I said, “I’m not sure yet.” “But I believe that we could all benefit from a fresh start.”

Michael entered and started massaging his eyes. “What’s with moving, anyway?”

I made a list of my thoughts. Interestingly, both kids seemed open to the idea.

“Should we move, can we get a dog?” Michael asked.

I laughed. “We’ll observe. One step at a time, please.

Later that day, I went out to coffee with my friend Lisa. A few years before, she had gone through her own divorce.

“How are you doing?” she said.

I let out a breath. To tell the truth? It’s difficult. But freeing as well? Is that out of the ordinary?


Lisa shook her head. Not at all. It’s a chance to rediscover who you are.

I mentioned, “I’m thinking about going back to school.” “Perhaps complete that degree I never got around to.”

“It’s amazing!” Lisa let out a cry. “You would excel in it.”

As we conversed, I could feel the thrill growing. Maybe this was not the end, but a new beginning.

That night, when I was helping Emily with her schoolwork, my phone chimed. It was Jonathan.

In his text, it stated, “Can we talk?”

I hesitated before responding, then said, “Yes, in relation to the kids. Please don’t add anything more.



Okay, “fair enough,” he replied. “Tomorrow lunch?”

We met in an unbiased café. Jonathan looked much as gorgeous than I remembered.

“A lot of thinking has been going on,” he said.

I held out my hand. Let’s talk about the kids, Jonathan. That is all.

He nodded, his gaze chastened. “All right. I’m sorry. Which state do they now reside in?

We talked about Michael’s newfound interest in robotics and Emily’s arithmetic challenges. Until I learned why we were here, it seemed rather normal.

When our chat came to an end, Jonathan cleared his throat. “I was given the chance to work. returning to the financial realm.

Sincerely, I said, “That’s great.” “The news will make the kids happy.”


He held back. “Chicago is the location.”

I blinked. Yes. It’s a considerable distance.

Indeed, he muttered. “I haven’t decided yet. I wanted to talk to you initially.

I took a deep breath. “You should accept if that’s what you want. We can arrange for visits.

Jonathan nodded, feeling relieved. Many gratitude, Becca. For everything.


As I watched him go, I felt both grief for what we had lost and hope for the future.

Very rarely does things go as planned. Sometimes, though, the detours get us exactly where we need to go.

In the scenario, how would you have handled things?

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