Couple Says Restaurant Fined Them For ‘Poor Parenting’ – The Restaurant Owner Then Reveals The Truth


The proprietor of the restaurant reveals the truth after the couple claims they were fined for “poor parenting.”

Taking their children out to eat can provide a challenge for parents because it can be hard to control their conduct in public. A couple reported facing such an obstacle and claiming to have been penalized for it.


Toccoa Riverside Restaurant near Blue Ridge in North Georgia caused a stir when it started fining patrons for what they perceived as “poor parenting.” Many people debated whether parents should be penalized if their children misbehave in a restaurant in response to this policy, which caused quite a stir online.


A Reddit member described their encounter with the proprietor of this restaurant, stating that due to their children’s misbehavior, they would be charged an additional $50 on their bill. They conveyed dissatisfaction throughout the entire encounter.


The owner of the eatery, Tim Richter, eventually gave his version of events to a reporter. He added that no consumer had really been charged this fee, however he did explain that the premium was first implemented to cover additional costs during COVID-19.


He did, however, use the threat of the surcharge when a family of nine children paid him a visit and the kids started acting out. He never did charge the parents, even though he warned them. Richter declared, “We want parents to be parents.”


Located in the mountains beside the Toccoa River, the restaurant is so well-liked that during eating hours, cars frequently form a queue along the road, indicating that it typically draws a calm audience. Florida visitor Laura Spillman expressed her disbelief at learning about the policy by stating, “That is crazy.” Really? You shouldn’t do it, in my opinion, just because kids are adorable.


While dining with her family, Anne Cox, another patron, speculated that the fee would actually motivate parents to better supervise their kids. She stated, “Parents need to teach kids manners.” Children must be taught good behavior. They should enjoy themselves where appropriate since there are other individuals in the world.


Federico Gambineri was taken aback by the regulation as well while dining with his small child. He expressed concern about being charged and mentioned that his 20-month-old doesn’t often behave well at restaurants. “I would be really upset if I were charged, and I doubt I would ever recommend the place to anyone.”


Regular customer Jack Schneider felt differently about the policy. We’ve all sat next to tables where someone says, “Hey, do something with that kid,” at the same moment, he continued. In my opinion, the parents should bear more of the blame.


While some think the idea is unfair, others say it could help kids behave better. Your thoughts on this policy are welcome. Kindly leave your comments below on Facebook.

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