Everybody will have to pass tests at some point in their lives, regardless of who they are. Certain tests may be given in a classroom setting, while others will only be given at the “school of hard knocks.”

Some people hate taking exams because they feel so much pressure to do well on them. However, there are instances when we take exams without even recognizing it, or we may intentionally seek them out for the right reasons.

This comprises an evaluation to ascertain your general intellect level and IQ. These tests can be interesting, and there’s no need to share the findings with anyone. It is meant only for your eyes.

That’s what the following graphic illustrates. This has gone viral because nobody can tell which chicken is different.



To tell which of these hens is special requires both a keen eye and a high IQ. Though many have tried, many have not been successful.

WARNING: If you’d like a hint, you might examine each chicken to see if there are any variations. Incidentally, this complicates rather than simplifies the puzzle.

Here’s the image again to prevent you from having to scroll back up:


There was only one assignment to complete, and there were eight hens in the photo. It was enjoyable even if it was a test.

After all, who doesn’t love chickens? Many individuals use them as decorations even though we might not have one in our backyard because it’s entertaining to do so.

At this point, you may be questioning if the problem can even be solved. Maybe you’ve given up on the procedure and are ready for the reply.

Please be advised that once you see the solution, there is no going back. We would be happy to supply you with the solution.



No. 1. The second chicken has an extra toe.

2. The third bird has less tail feathers.

#3. The fifth bird has only one wrinkle in its thigh.

#4. The sixth bird has an extra feather around its neck.

#5. The chicken in position seven is peeking up.

#6. Chicken number eight has a longer butt crease than chicken number six.

7. There is one more distinction, but it’s the most often ignored. No other bird can see the eighth chicken. If you figured that one out, you are a genius.

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