If You Start Seeing These Vending Machines In Your Neighborhood, It’s Time To Pack Up And Move

It’s Time To Move If You Notice These Vending Machines In Your Neighborhood.

Criminals are setting up terrible vending machines in Long Island, New York, which is not too far east of Brooklyn and Queens, with the intention of destroying the local neighborhoods. These crack pipe vending machines are illegally positioned in public spaces. The machines were originally intended to sell tampons, but police have established that they were rebuilt to distribute crack pipes to the general population, which includes both drug users and inquisitive children.


Thank goodness, three crack pipe vending machines have been taken out of Long Island by the police, protecting the public from easy access to potentially harmful drug paraphernalia.



Drug misuse has a lengthy history in Suffolk County. Although their police force is working very hard to combat drug-related issues, they never seem to have the desired effect. It irritates me. Criminals often come up with new ideas as they solve an old one. Take these repurposed tampon dispensers that are equipped to sell crack pipes.


The populace is incensed by the vending machines that sell “Sketch Pens.” Every ceramic tube is being sold by the criminals for two dollars.


Who installed the vending machines is unknown to the police. Drug dealers might have placed them there. Alternatively, a dishonest businessperson might have seen a hole in the market and placed them without the required authorization on street corners.


The vending machines emit a ceramic “pen” with a filter that simplifies the process of smoking the hazardous and highly addictive substance.


The Suffolk County Police Department is in a desperate attempt to solve this absurd issue. Who put these in public restrooms is being looked into.


“At first, we thought, ‘Is this a joke?'” However, when observing its intricacy, we came to the realization that it was no jest, stated Brookhaven Town District 4 councilman Michael Loguercio in a New York Post interview.




Locals, who long for the police to end the terrible drug problem in their neighborhood, were shocked to learn that criminals are becoming so resourceful that they are setting up vending machines for drug paraphernalia in their public restrooms.


From 2009 to 2013, a mere four years, 337 heroin-related deaths occurred in Suffolk County. Among all the counties in the state of New York, that one has the highest rate of drug overdose deaths.


Anthony Minichini, a Suffolk County citizen, simply wants the illegal conduct to stop. The crack vending machine was initially located next to a bus stop.


“Whoa! Every day, you pick up new knowledge. A crack pipe vending machine is located by a bus stop on the side of the road in Suffolk County. Really?


The representatives of the local government concurred. Ed Romaine, supervisor of Brookhaven Town, stated:


“Those who were selling crack, they obviously had problems with their potential customers obtaining crack pipes, so they reasoned that this would be a clever fix.”


At $376,700, the typical price of a home in Suffolk County at the moment is more than twice that of the median price of an existing home nationwide.


It’s simple for drug users on Long Island to purchase these “sketch pens.” However, in Suffolk County, vending machines sell them.



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